Jan 31 2009

Life on Pause….

Category: MiscPhil @ 11:08 am

Kind of amazing, I am almost recovered from a two week stint with pneumonia. I don’t know where the last two weeks went. Fortunately, I was not hospitalized, basically just confined to my house (my bed) for most of that time. The weird part is thinking about all of the stuff I have not done for a while:

  • I gave up reading, no RSS feeds, no books, minimal email. Most of the time, I had such a bad headache, it was practically impossible to think about anything, other than trying to stay warm and not induce coughing fits.
  • I have not worked out in two weeks. I guess I have a pretty good excuse, if you have no lung capacity and can’t breath, it is pretty hard to work out. The funny thing is that I lost 4 pounds towards my New Year Resolution goal. I guess you really don’t need to work out, just eat chicken soup and lots of water (Sprite in my case!)
  • I was listening to Pandora all of the time; I would crank up my “Nickelback Radio” every morning when I got to work. I guess I actually stopped listening to music all together; I would listen to music in the morning when I worked out too.
  • I listen to the Sports Junkies everyday on my way to work. I have only been in the car about thee times, and that was to drive to doctor’s appointments; not much car time! I should have saved some serious gas money this month! The Junkies are a pretty entertaining show, at least I will able to hear their Super Bowl recap on Monday morning, as that will be my first day back to work.
  • I don’t think I’ve been to church but one time this month. I think someone in our house has been sick every weekend this month. Hopefully, we can start February off on the right foot.

I guess we are all creatures of habit and have our little routines. I never thought much about my routine before, it was just automatic. So, just how routine should life be? This is not the kind of “spice” I wanted to break up my routine, but probably a good eye-opener. We should all work to find ways to break up the daily routine every so often. Life might get pretty dull when it is just work, doing laundry, mowing the grass, doing homework, making the kids practice their instruments… the list goes on an on! I don’t know what the right answer is, but it does give me more to think about!

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