Jan 10 2009

Sample Post From Windows Live Writer

Category: BloggingPhil @ 9:24 pm

Just a simple test from Windows Live Writer. I have a huge backlog of thoughts in my head, but have not been able to get myself to put them down in my blog, so be prepared to start reading!

I have actually been preoccupied with LinkedIn Lately.  This “social network” thing is really kind of cool. I have been thinking about and trying to locate some people that I worked with at my previous company. I happen to send a holiday message to one of my old coworkers, asked him if he knew what happened to some of our old friends. With a little more digging, I have been able to reach out to a couple of people that I have not talked with in many, many years.

One thing that cracks me up, is when you get an LinkedIn invitation from someone that just says “I want to add you to my network”.  Pretty social, don’t you think? I try very hard to make my invitations very personal. Adding connections is more about adding people that I care about or really want to stay in touch with, rather than just adding random contacts to get my connection number up!  I guess there are many ways of using LinkedIn; add as many people as you can, so that someday, one of them can help you out.  Probably no right or wrong way, I’m sure we all have our own strategy!

My most interesting LinkedIn experience was after I posted some books on LinkedIn’s Amazon application. Out of the blue, one of my connections commented on my reading list and we started trading emails. Big deal, right? I just thought it was really cool since I have not talked to this person in about 10+ years and here we are sharing thoughts about some books!  How cool is that! I thought I would share his book recommendation with you, I will certainly add it to my reading list.

If you’ve not read the Christopher Alexander books on architecture, ie,  “A Pattern Language”  I highly recommend them.  You will never see space the same way again.
But that is not the point.  You will never see your work the same way, either.

Well, this blog was really about testing Live Writer and some how I ended up writing about LinkedIn! Live Writer seems pretty cool. I don’t spend that much time in Windows, but I do really like the way Live Writer works. Much better than anything I have used on my Ubuntu box. So, if anyone has a better blog editor than ScribeFire, please let me know!

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