Jan 02 2009

Wonderful Ohio Roads…

Category: MiscPhil @ 8:41 pm

We just got back from a week long vacation in Ohio with my parents. We had a really nice time with the family, but it never takes long to remember why I moved to Virginia…. winter! Check out the truck, can you say salt? It was amazing to see all of the cars and trucks from Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, coated in white. No wonder you see so many rusted out old cars and trucks! What a difference a little soap and water makes! The truck looks pretty good for being nine years old, it only has about 80 thousand miles on it. Now that gas is back to a reasonable price, we can actually afford to drive it again!

Fortunately, we only had one day of snow, but it was quite cold at the end of the week. I guess being so close to Lake Erie makes the air much damper, which makes it feel a lot colder. We did not even feel like going out side, the cold air felt like it cut right through you. There was a 30 degree temperature change, from the time we left to the time we arrived at home. Gas was also about 25 cents cheaper a gallon in Virginia too! Nice to be back home!

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