Mar 30 2010

Unit Testing Not Required…

I assume that everyone performs some kind of unit testing… The real question is what does unit testing mean to you?  For me, it is some form of repeatable, assertion-based approach that can be re-executed by other developers and a continuous integration process. Unit testing is just one piece in my software confidence puzzle. That sounds like a great topic for my next blog! Unfortunately, some developers think that generating some log messages to inspect or stepping through the code with a debugger accomplishes the very same thing. Depending on the competency of the developer, I believe this can be partially true; however what about the next developer who needs to change the code?

Next, you need to place some kind of value on your unit test strategy. Is testing an investment, an expense, or a liability?  I think that unit testing typically starts as some type of organizational mandate. It quickly turns into an expense and ultimately a liability. I have seen very few projects truly embrace and believe in the value of unit testing. It seems that more often than not, a true believer (or zealot) establishes the process and everything goes along smoothly. After a while, the “pressure of the release date” eliminates the need for creating new unit tests; or even worse, the existing unit test are no longer maintained. They become brittle, broken and ignored. As the number of failed unit test grows, is seems very hard to justify the cost of fixing them. At this point, you have a liability problem; the existing failures get in the way of identifying and managing new failures. Who will really notice the the one new failure when there are already fifty other failures? If ignoring unit test failures is allowed by the continuous integration process, the typical developer will have no incentive to fix them. We have now created an environment where the correctness of the unit test only matters at the point when the code is checked in. That statement might not even be true, as there is no guarantee or reason for the developer to ensure that their new unit test executed properly in the continuous integration environment. Chances are, that after some period of time,  that new test will decay and be added to the every growing, ignored list of broken unit tests.

Wow, I’m painting a pretty bleak picture of unit testing! To make things even more discouraging, I recently lost the debate on the merits of unit testing with one of my mentors. I think he is one of the smartest and most practical architect/developer/person that I have ever worked with, yet he saw little to no value in unit testing. To this day, I still cannot completely follow his logic; surely there are other, external factors that could minimize the value of unit testing, such as team competency, cohesiveness, maturity, and the general environment, but I don’t believe unit testing can (or should be) completely eliminated.

Sad, but true…
On a previous project, one of my teammates said that he would not create any unit tests, unless the project manager added additional line items to the project plan, specifically for unit testing his code. I was amazed… Why was this not considered a standard development procedure? It is pretty easy to see why one could argue that unit testing is doomed.

Fortunately, I have worked on a few projects where we considered unit testing an investment and an asset. These projects mandated zero unit test failures and even required some level of code coverage. The teams never considered or required the creation of a unit test to be called out on the project plan; it was simply part of their job. More than once, these unit test suites gave us the confidence to make the right change (re-factor), rather than the typical Band-Aid Software Methodology typically employed to address problems. Sounds like another good blog topic!

Final thoughts…
Here is another good read, Design to Test; old, but still valid today! There are so many good points in this article, they deserve to be reiterated again and again. If you are familiar with the Spring Framework, they should really resonate with you…

  • Test the interface, not the implementation
  • Composition over inheritance
  • Singleton avoidance

Here was one more blog, “Tips for Testing“, that reinforces the increased ROI of unit testing over time. You should at least skim his tips, he seems to have an interesting perspective…