Nov 20 2008

Ubuntu 8.10 Update…. and OpenOffice 3.0

Category: UbuntuPhil @ 9:51 pm

This was not one of my more pleasant Linux experiences. The upgrade seemed to take more than it gave! Anyway, my issues have finally settled down and everything is almost working. (I’m starting to miss downloading my daily bug fixes!) I believe the only real issue I have is SAMBA; I cannot access my NAS device anymore (or any windows boxes for that matter). That is kind of a drag when you need to share files!

I was really looking forward to OpenOffice 3.0 with the upgrade, unfortunately it was not ready to be included in the release. I did not want to do the manual installation, so I’ve been waiting. Tonight I Googled and found a super easy upgrade path. The upgrade seems to have worked like a champ. My machine completely rocks, especially when compared to my work computer!!! The OpenOffice applications launch in what seems like 2 seconds! And it is not even cached!

One other bummer, not related to this upgrade is Adobe Air. It still is not working on the 64-bit machine. At least it installs normally now, but there seems to a serious network problem. All of the Air applications run, but do not connect to any of the back-end services. My 32-bit installation works fine…